Factors Related to Public Acceptance of the Covid 19 Vaccine


  • Agung Sutriyawan Bachelor Programme Public Health, Bhakti Kencana University
  • Riyan Hidayatulloh Bachelor Programme Public Health, Bhakti Kencana University


Vaccines, Covid-19, Knowledge, Attitudes, Perceptions


Background: Background: Efforts in the prevention of Covid-19 are by conducting vaccination programs. However, the public response to Covid-19 vaccination is still very low. The low willingness of the public to vaccinate is the cause of the low achievement of the vaccination program.

Objectives: This study aims to find out the relationship of knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of the public with the willingness of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Methods: The type of research used is quantitative with cross-sectional designs. The population of this study was a society of 19-59 years old. The sample was taken by 159 respondents. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The statistical test used is the chi-square test.

Results: The results showed that most of the public was not willing to be vaccinated (54.1%). Variables related to the willingness of the Covid-19 vaccine in the community are knowledge (p=0.000) and POR= 3.68 (1,864-7,274), attitude (p=0.000) and POR= 2.51 (1,302-4,852), and perception (p=0.000) and POR= 4.43 (2,273-8,637).

Conclusion: This study proves that the willingness of Covid-19 vaccination in the community is influenced by people's knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions. It is necessary to educate the public about the importance of Covid-19 vaccination in preventing the spread of Covid-19 cases.


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How to Cite

Agung Sutriyawan, & Riyan Hidayatulloh. (2021). Factors Related to Public Acceptance of the Covid 19 Vaccine. International Journal of Clinical Science and Medical Research, 1(2), 41–45. Retrieved from http://journalofmedical.org/index.php/ijcsmr/article/view/6