An Incidental Finding of Transitional Cell Rest in the Ovary in a Case of Rectal Carcinoma


  • Dr. Waseema Banu K Postgraduate in Department of pathology
  • Dr. Shobana Associate Professor in Department of pathology.
  • Dr. S. Mary lilly Professor and HOD in Department of pathology


Walthard nest, ovary, Brenner tumor, IHC.


Walthard cell nests can be defined as benign transitional cell clusters of epithelial cells which is found in connective tissue of fallopian tube, mesovarium, mesosalpinx and ovarian hilum. It is considered to be a precursor of Brenner tumor of ovary. Hereby, we report a rare incidental finding of Walthard cell rest in the ovary in a case of mucinous adenocarcinoma of rectum.


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How to Cite

Dr. Waseema Banu K, Dr. Shobana, & Dr. S. Mary lilly. (2022). An Incidental Finding of Transitional Cell Rest in the Ovary in a Case of Rectal Carcinoma. International Journal of Clinical Science and Medical Research, 2(1), 05–07. Retrieved from