Case Study: Subclavicular Extraosseous Chondroma


  • José Maria Busto - Villarreal Médico Especialista en Traumatología y Ortopedia. Director General del Centro de Excelencia Médica en Altura FIFA, Oficcial Medical Centre, Hidalgo, México
  • Aldo Isaac Vazquez – Godínez Médico especialista en Radiología del Excelencia Médica en Altura FIFA, Oficcial Medical Centre. Hidalgo, México
  • Jimena Guadalupe Prado – Peláez Maestra en Salud Pública. Jefa de Enseñanza e Investigación del Centro de Excelencia Médica en Altura FIFA, Oficcial Medical Centre. Hidalgo, México



Extraosseous chondroma, chondrosarcomas, radiography


Extraosseous chondroma is a rare soft tissue tumor composed of hyaline cartilage with no connection to bone or periosteum. Chondroid lesions present radiological aspects that are common for benign lesions and conventional low-grade chondrosarcomas. The differentiation is not always possible and should be considered a meticulous clinical and pathologic imaging. It can sometimes be misdiagnosed as a synovial cyst or a more serious condition such as synovial sarcoma.

We present the case of a 14-year-old soccer player, presented to the trauma and orthopedic service of the Center of Medical Excellence in Height (CEMA by FIFA) with a history of 4 years ago with a solid abnormality characteristic located in the right subclavicular area. An ultrasound study was requested, which reported a lobulated, hypoechoic subcutaneous nodule, with acoustic reinforcement and without vascularity with Doppler. At radiographic level, normal soft tissue is shown, without nodular lesions. The nodule was surgically removed, then, was sent to histopathology study, which reported: Fibroadipose tissue of the periclavicular region with changes compatible with soft tissue chondroma -extra-skeletal- without lesion on the resection edges. In addition, a literature review was made focused on the search for subclavicular extraosseous chondromas, finding no case in the literature, for which this report was made, due to the strange location of the chondroma.


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How to Cite

Villarreal, J. M. B. .-., Godínez A. I. V. –, & Peláez, J. G. P. –. (2024). Case Study: Subclavicular Extraosseous Chondroma. International Journal of Clinical Science and Medical Research, 4(5), 167–169.